Wednesday 14 September 2011


Here are Year 6 preparing to enter the water - just look at the excitement on their faces!

This photo was taken some time later.....already much wetter!

We played a lot of different games but the pirate game was the most dramatic. One team had the treasure and the other team had to seize it (from its position at the back of the canoe) and hold on to it for as long as possible! This involved splash attacks and even canoe invasions! However, some of the pupils were still not wet enough......

So they just jumped in instead!

Splash! Another fantastic day at High Adventure. Tonight we have the 'blind line' activity.....more posts tomorrow so keep checking the blog!


  1. You look like you are having a brilliant time. Looking forward to reading more tomorrow.

  2. Makes me feel cold just looking at the blog, but looks fun. Christine

  3. is the water cold i hope it isn't!!!
